



* 你的過去不重要,重要的是你今天要做什麼,去經歷些什麼。 Your past is unimportant. What matters is what you're doing today and what experiences you're going to go through.

* 把自己當成一間小店,不要害怕特許經營,這樣你就可以一天天地建立起自己的連鎖店。 Treat yourself like a franchise, don't be afraid of franchising, so you can build your own chain of stores one day at a time.

* 不要把生命浪費在重複他人的生活上,不要讓他人的成功目標變成你的目標。 Don't waste your life copying the lives of others. Let the success of others become your inspiration, not your destination.

* 不是因為事情難我們就不敢做,是因為我們不敢做事情才難的。 It's not because things are difficult that we dare not do them; it's precisely because we dare not do them that they are difficult.

* 成功者找方法,失敗者找藉口。 Successful people find ways, while unsuccessful people find excuses.

* 每個人都有潛在的能量,只是很容易:被習慣所掩蓋,被時間所迷離,被惰性所消磨。 Everyone has potential energy, but it's easily concealed by habits, obscured by time, and eroded by inertia.

* 不要把生命浪費在等待好運降臨上,要去勇闖天涯。 Don't waste your life waiting for good luck to come, go out and explore the world.

* 你戰勝苦難,它就是你的財富,苦難戰勝你,它就是你的屈辱。 When you overcome difficulties, they become your wealth; when difficulties overcome you, it's simply a humiliation.
