* “凡人皆有一死(Every man has a purpose)。”
* “凜冬將至(Winter is coming)。”
* “你們都是勇敢的騎士,應該為你們的榮譽而戰(You are all brave knights, fight for your honor)。”
* “為了艾德(For Eddard)!”
* “沒有永恆的朋友,只有永恆的利益(No eternal friends, only eternal interests)。”
* “恐懼讓你淪為奴隸,勇氣讓你重獲自由(Fear makes you a slave, courage frees you)。”
* “我們都是死者,我們只是活在別人的夢裡(We are all dead men, we just live in other men's dreams)。”
* “記住,戰爭不僅僅是為了國王和祖國,更是為了你自己的生存和尊嚴(Remember, war is not only for kings and for country, it's for your own survival and dignity)。”
* “我寧願死,也不願像這樣活著(I would rather die than live like this)。”