* 今天是我的誕生日,祝我快樂。Happy my birthday today, I wish you happiness.*
* 願你的生日充滿無窮的快樂,願你今天的回憶溫馨,願你所有的夢想甜美,願你這一年稱心如意!May your birthday be filled with endless joy, may your memories today be tender, may all your dreams be sweet, and may you have a year filled with fulfillment.*
* 今天是我生命中的支點,祝我生日快樂!Today is the fulcrum of my life, wishing me a happy birthday!*
* 願你的生日充滿無窮的快樂,願你今天的回憶溫馨,願你所有的夢想成真! May your birthday be filled with endless joy, may your memories today be filled with tenderness, and may all your dreams come true.*