Title: Snow White
Chapter 1: The Queen's Request
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young queen who dreamed of having a daughter as beautiful as the sunset. One day, she gave birth to a baby girl and named her Snow White.
Chapter 2: The Evil Stepmother
However, the queen passed away a few years later, and Snow White became the target of jealousy. Her stepmother, the evil queen, wanted to make Snow White as beautiful as herself. She tried to make Snow White wear a poisoned apple, but it was unsuccessful.
Chapter 3: The Seven Dwarves
Meanwhile, seven dwarves lived in the forest. They found Snow White and took care of her. They taught her how to work hard and be kind to others. Snow White grew up to be a kind and beautiful girl.
Chapter 4: The Adventures of Snow White
One day, the evil queen's henchmen came to the forest and tried to take Snow White away. But they were defeated by the dwarves and Snow White escaped. She wandered through the forest, but she was always protected by the dwarves.
Chapter 5: The End of Evil
Finally, the king heard about Snow White's story and came to rescue her. He found out that the evil queen was actually his late mother. He forgave her and she died in peace. Snow White and the king lived happily ever after with the dwarves.