* 不要放棄,希望一定在前方。 Don't give up, there must be hope ahead.
* 青春是場大雨,即使感冒了,還盼望再淋一次。 Youth is like a heavy rain, even if you catch a cold, you still hope to淋一次.
* 幸福,不是長生不老,不是大魚大肉,不是權傾朝野。 Happiness is not to live forever, not to eat meat and not to have power over the court.
* 成長是件開心的事,可怎么有些傷感。 Growing up is a happy thing, but there is still some sadness.
* 我寧願錯過後悔,也不願意乞求被可憐。 I would rather miss and regret, than beg for pity.
* 我很醜但是我很溫柔,人不狠站不穩,忍無可忍就放手一搏。 I may be ugly, but I am gentle. Without perseverance, one cannot maintain balance. When one is unable to endure any longer, one should let go and try one's luck.
* 生活總有點欺軟怕硬。 Life always prefers to bully the weak and respect the strong.
* 做人,別忘恩負義,別欺騙感情,別傷害人心。 When it comes to being a person, don't forget gratitude, don't cheat感情, and don't hurt people's hearts.
* 我想重新認識你,用我曾經犯過的錯。 I want to重新認識 you, with all the mistakes that I have made.
* 那些沒能進入自己夢寐以求的大學的人,仍在不斷地嘗試,試圖尋找屬於自己的路。 Those who didn't get into the university they dreamed of keep trying and trying, trying to find their own path.
* 我想我還是喜歡你的,可是你卻不是那個讓我心動的人了。 I still like you, but you are not the person who makes me heartbeat.