1. The feeding of the five thousand - "They say to him again, 'Lord, make here a little bread.' And he tells them, 'I have other twelve coming after me, 'who also are called.'
2. The Prodigal Son - "There was a man who had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, 'I will go and work for one year with a man who lives there in order to learn from him.'"
3. The Wise and Foolish Virgins - "There was a wise and a foolish virgin, who saved her money; but it pleased the Lord to give both money in due time to each. He used both virgins. So it is with you also."
4. The Lost Coin - "When he had gone out again, behold, they were waiting for him at the door, but looking for him to come back from the brook. And when they saw him they exclaimed, 'It is the Lord! It is the Lord!' And they ran to meet him."
5. The Prodigal Son Returns - "And when he came and had taken his son and his daughter and his mother by the hand and was bringing them into his house, he said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I will do you good; for it was fitting that I should do you good.'