耽美是一種文學風格,英文可以翻譯為“same love”或者“same sex love”,即同性之愛。耽美文學在國外也被稱為“Gay文學”。耽美文風的特徵是缺乏實際的性行為描寫,而更強調心理描寫和情感交流。以下是一些耽美英文語錄:
1. “Just as a poet sees his inspiration, love comes and calls at my soul.”
2. “If we stay away from each other, I’ll lose my sanity, and you’ll lose your motivation to stay in the same room.”
3. “This relationship isn’t a test. It’s just our destiny, that’s all.”
4. “There is a saying: I would lay down my life for you. I know you can accept it. Because, after all, it’s our own flesh and blood that ties our hearts together.”
5. “A couple doesn’t fall in love easily.”