* May the Christmas candle bring you peace and happiness. 願平安夜的燭光帶給你溫馨和快樂。
* Wishing you the joy of Christmas! 願聖誕的快樂一年四季常在。
* A Christmas greeting to cheer you! 獻上我一個聖誕節的祝福。
* Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a new year filled with happy memories. 願你擁有一個美麗的聖誕和新年。
* May the spirit of Christmas bring you comfort and joy this season. 願聖誕精神在這期間給你帶來寧靜和喜樂。
* A Christmas greeting for you from all of your friends. 祝你聖誕快樂,也祝你新年快樂。