



* 自信是一種來自於內心的力量,它能讓你從容地應付你所遇到的各種問題。Belief is a force within ourselves that allows us to handle any situation with ease. ——Oscar Wilde

* 自信可以使人出眾,使人成功,自信的力量是巨大的。Confidence makes you stand out and successful, and the power of confidence is enormous.

* 如果你想要擁有真正的自信,你就必須知道你是因何而卓越的,並相信你的價值。If you want to have true confidence, you must know why you are excellent and believe in your worth.

* 自信的人從不擔心失敗,因為他們知道,失敗只是暫時的,成功終將到來。Confident people never worry about failure because they know it's only temporary and success is just around the corner.

* 自信的人能夠克服困難,實現自己的目標。Confident people are able to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

* 自信是成功的關鍵,它讓你在面對挑戰時保持冷靜,積極應對。Confidence is the key to success, as it helps you remain calm and proactive when facing challenges.
