* 律己足以服人,量寬足以得人,身先足以率人。* Self-discipline is enough to persuade others, broad-minded enough to get others, and lead others by setting an example. ——呂新浩
* 自律和克制有害健康,這正說明我們需要它們。 Self-discipline and self-control are harmful to health, which goes to prove that we need them. ——M·斯科特·派克
* 自律是一種對自我生活方式的重視,可以視為對目標和願望的尊重。 Self-discipline is the importance of our own lifestyle and can be seen as respect for our goals and desires. ——約翰·皮爾格
* 自律就是遵循自己的價值觀和信念,而不是追求他人對你的看法。 Self-discipline is about following your values and beliefs, not about pleasing others. ——海蒂·格蘭特
* 如果沒有自律,你將一事無成。 If there is no self-discipline, you will accomplish nothing. ——傑里·韋克斯勒