很久以前,楚國有個賣矛又賣盾的楚國人。他首先誇耀自己的盾,說:“我的盾堅固無比,沒有什麼東西能夠穿透它。”又誇耀自己的矛,說:“我的矛鋒利極了,什麼堅固的東西都能刺穿。” 有個圍觀的人問他:“如果用你 的矛去刺你的盾,會怎么樣?”,那人被問得啞口無言。
"This is a story about a man in Chu who sold both a sword and a shield at the same time. He boasted about his shield, saying, "My shield is invincible, nothing can penetrate it." He then boasted about his sword, saying, "My sword is so sharp, it can pierce anything." But a person in the audience asked him: "If you use your sword to attack your shield, what would happen?" The man couldn't answer the question and was left speechless."