* "I love you, but we should part ways now."(我愛你,但我們該分道揚鑣了。)
* "It's time to say goodbye."(是時候說再見了。)
* "Our paths are diverging, not continuing together."(我們的路開始分叉,無法繼續同行。)
* "Our love is like a beautiful dream, but it's time to wake up."(我們的愛像一場美麗的夢,是時候醒來了。)
* "It's with heavy heart that I have to say goodbye."(我必須說再見,心情十分沉重。)
* "I wish you all the happiness in the world, but it's time to move on."(我希望你擁有全世界所有的幸福,但該是時候前進了。)