


英文小故事:The Little Match Girl

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to play with matches. One cold winter night, she was walking along the street with a box of matches in her hand. She was looking for something to do when she found a matchstick flickering in the snow. She took out her box of matches and started to light them one by one. Suddenly, she heard a little voice behind her say, "Little girl, will you give me one of your matches?" She turned around and saw a little old lady standing there. The little girl handed over one of her matches and the two began to chat.

The little girl told the old lady about her adventures with matches and how she loved to play with them. The old lady smiled and said, "You know, matches can be dangerous if not used properly. But with practice, you'll learn how to use them safely." The little girl was intrigued by what the old lady said and started to learn more about safety matches.

After a while, the little girl felt the urge to go outside again. She ran back outside and continued to play with her matches. Suddenly, she saw a little boy on the street with no shoes or socks on. She quickly went back inside and asked her grandmother for some money to buy shoes and socks for the little boy. Her grandmother was touched by her kindness and gave her some money.

The little girl went back outside and bought some shoes and socks for the little boy. She also gave him one of her matches to keep him warm. The little boy was so grateful and thanked her over and over again.

The little girl realized that matches could be dangerous, but they could also be used for good. She also learned that kindness and compassion could make a difference in someone's life.

This story teaches us that we should always be mindful of our actions and use our abilities for good. It also reminds us that kindness and compassion are the most powerful forces in the world.