1. 麥穗的故事:蘇格拉底在田野中行走,看到許多麥穗,但並未選擇其中一顆作為自己的糧食。這個故事被用來比喻選擇的重要性,即選擇一個正確的方向或目標的重要性。
英文:The story of the wheat ears: Socrates walked through a field and saw many ears of wheat, but did not choose one as his own food. This story is used to illustrate the importance of choosing, that is, the importance of selecting a correct direction or goal.
2. 希帕蒂亞的故事:蘇格拉底和他的助手希帕蒂亞一起探討了什麼是美。這個故事是用來強調交流和討論在哲學探索中的重要性。
3. 擺渡者對話的故事:蘇格拉底和一位擺渡者在河邊對話,探討了生命的意義和人生的目的。這個故事是用來強調哲學的探索需要在日常生活中不斷反思和討論。
英文:The story of the ferryman dialogue: Socrates and a ferryman converse by the river, discussing the meaning of life and the purpose of human existence. This story emphasizes the importance of philosophical reflection and discussion in daily life.