* 酒是溝通心靈的橋樑,是拉近人與人距離的鑰匙。 (Drink is to communicate the soul of the bridge, is to close the distance between people keys.)
* 醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之間也。 (Drunk in the intention is not in the wine, but in the scenery and natural beauty.)
* 酒逢知己千杯少,話不投機半句多。 (When drinking with a good friend, a few cups are too few. When there is no understanding between people, even a few words are too much.)
* 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲飲琵琶馬上催。 (Golden wine cups and grape juice at night, the music of the pipa urges you to drink.)
* 人生得意須盡歡,莫使金樽空對月。 (Life is full of joy when you must enjoy it, do not let the golden cup empty facing the moon.)
* 酒是狂藥,也是忘憂物。 (Drink is a passionate medicine and a forgetful thing.)
* 酒入愁腸,化作相思淚。 (When sadness is in the mind, wine transforms into tears of longing.)
* 葡萄美酒月光杯,欲飲之時友人催。 (The grape wine and moonlight cups are ready to drink, but my friends are urging me on.)