* 生活中最大的幸福就是,見證自己的努力後收穫的幸福。The greatest happiness in life is witnessing the happiness gained after exerting effort.
* 智慧的種子灑滿生活的各個角落,並需要我們自己去播種和照料。The seeds of wisdom are scattered throughout life and we ourselves must sow and tend them.
* 世界是你們的,也是我們的,但是歸根結底是你們的。The world is yours, it is ours, but in the end it belongs to you.
* 我們最常犯的錯誤,就是認為自己的思維和行為是最合理。One of the most common mistakes we make is to believe that our own thinking and actions are the most reasonable.
* 世界上沒有無緣無故的愛,也沒有無緣無故的恨。There is no love without reason, nor hatred without reason.
* 哲學的任務在於尋找真理,而哲學的實踐在於獲得智慧。The task of philosophy is to seek truth, and the practice of philosophy is to acquire wisdom.
* 世界上有三種人,一種人因為別人超過自己而發怒,另一種人因無法超過別人而自暴自棄,還有一種人欣賞別人超過他並從中得到鼓舞。