願你所有的新年夢想都成真。Hope all your New Year dreams come true!
祝節日幸福如意。Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season!
祝你在節日和新的一年中享有無限的快樂。Wishing you every joy in the holidays and all year!
願你度過最美好的新年。May you have the best New Year ever!
我希望你們新年快樂,願你時時刻刻幸福歡樂。I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you!
願你在未來的一年裡吉星高照。May you shine in the coming year!
我向你獻上新年的祝福。We offer you New Years greetings!
祝老師新年充滿平安和愛。Wishing you peace and love in the new year!
願一切最美好的祝福都能用這張賀卡表達,真誠地祝你幸福、快樂、成功。May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success!
祝你好運、健康、歡樂伴你度過一個快樂新年。Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a happy New Year!
願新春美景與歡樂常伴隨你。May the beauty and joy of the New Year remain with you!
新年快樂!Happy New Year!