"靈魂奇遇記"的英文是 "Soul Journey"。以下是其中一些金句的英文翻譯:
1. "在人生的旅途中,我們都是過客。"(We are all just travelers on the journey of life.)
2. "生活就像一場夢,而我們只是夢中的人。"(Life is like a dream, and we are just dreamers.)
3. "時間是一種無形的力量,它帶來了變化,也帶走了回憶。"(Time is an invisible force that brings changes and takes away memories.)
4. "生命中的每一次相遇都是上天的恩賜。"(Every encounter in life is a gift from heaven.)
5. "我們應該珍惜現在,過好每一天,因為未來永遠不會來。"(We should cherish the present, live each day well, because the future will never come.)
6. "心靈的旅程是一場自我成長的過程。"(The spiritual journey is a process of self-growth.)