



The story of Huang Xiang goes like this: Huang Xiang, a boy from Wu County, Jiangsu Province, loved his mother very much and took good care of her. He would always give his own food and clothes to his mother, even if he was hungry or cold himself.

One winter night, the house was so cold that even though he covered himself with a quilt, Huang Xiang still couldn't keep warm. He realized that if he could keep the house warmer, then he could also keep his mother warmer. So he got up from his bed, put on his shoes, and went outside. He knew that there was a brazier in the room where his mother slept, so he decided to light a fire in it.

He then went back to his bed and fell asleep. When his mother woke up the next morning, she was surprised to see that the fire in the brazier was still burning. She knew that it must have been her son who had lit it and kept it burning all night long. She was touched and grateful.

This story teaches us that we should always care for our parents and family, even if we have to make some sacrifices for them. We should also be willing to help others in need, even if it means making some personal sacrifices.