A dust storm has reduced visibility to nearly zero. 沙塵暴使能見度降到幾近零。
An intensedust stormoverclouded the sun. 一陣猛烈的沙暴遮天蔽日。
Sydney office buildings seen through the haze of adust stormon September 23, 2009. 2009年9月23日,雪梨辦公室建築在沙塵暴的霧氣中若隱若現。
A dust storm has reduced visibility to nearly zero. 沙塵暴使能見度降到幾近零。
An intensedust stormoverclouded the sun. 一陣猛烈的沙暴遮天蔽日。
Sydney office buildings seen through the haze of adust stormon September 23, 2009. 2009年9月23日,雪梨辦公室建築在沙塵暴的霧氣中若隱若現。