A lot of nit-picking was going on about irrelevant things. 這句意味著對於一些不相關的事情,人們卻大肆吹毛求疵。
Please describe how modern life has made chronobiology largely irrelevant. 請描述一下現代生活是如何使時間生物學在很大程度上變得無關緊要的。
What your friends or relatives think is irrelevant. 你的朋友或親戚的想法是不相關的。
My advice is not to pad out your story with irrelevant details. 我的意見是別有不相乾的細節來拉長你的故事。
The computer can provide a correct number, but it may be an irrelevant number until judgment is pronounced. 計算機能夠提供正確的數據,但在未加判斷之前它可能只是一個無關的數據。
He thought the whole debate irrelevant. 他認為整個辯論都不得要領。