以下是《Love Actually》的部分經典台詞和金句:
1. “It's not about where you are, it's about where you're going.” (重要的不是你在哪裡,而是你要去哪裡。)
2. “Life is a gift, even if it seems like right now that you can't wait for the next phase to begin.” (生活就像一個禮物,即使現在你覺得迫不及待想要開始新的階段。)
3. “The most important thing is to make sure you're always being true to yourself.” (最重要的是要確保你總是對自己保持真實。)
4. “Life is short, but it's full of moments.” (生命是短暫的,但它是充滿時刻的。)
5. “It's important to remember that every moment we have with someone is a gift, and it's our job to cherish that moment and make it as special as possible.” (記住,我們與某人在一起的每一刻都是一次禮物,我們的任務就是珍惜那一刻,讓它儘可能變得特別。)