


The engine is very noisy at high speed. 這個發動機轉速高時噪音非常大。

The children were playing noisily upstairs. 孩子們在樓上吵鬧地玩耍。

It's a noisy place with film clips showing constantly on one of the cafe's giant screens. 這個咖啡館很嘈雜,室內的一個大螢幕上不停地播放著電影片斷。

The traffic on the busy street outside is very noisy, making it difficult to sleep at night. 外面繁忙街道的交通非常吵鬧,使得夜晚難以入睡。

The library was supposed to be a quiet place to study, but some students were being too noisy. 圖書館本應是安靜的學習場所,但一些學生太吵了。

The construction work was causing a disturbance to the residents living nearby. 施工工作正在給附近居民造成困擾。

The city is always so noisy, but the countryside is peaceful and quiet. 城市總是很吵鬧,但鄉村卻平靜安寧。

The construction workers were wearing earplugs to protect their ears from the noisy machinery. 建築工人戴著耳塞來保護他們的耳朵不受吵鬧機器的影響。

The children were playing happily in the park, their laughter echoing through the noisy city. 孩子們在公園裡快樂地玩耍,他們的笑聲在喧鬧的城市中迴蕩。

The party next door was getting too noisy, so I had to ask them to turn down the music. 隔壁的派對太吵了,所以我讓他們調低音樂音量。