Have some kind of love, become blind but hypocritical in this abnormal society: Be unbearable Catherine vanity thin and weak, bumptious betraying; Have some kind of regret, be in so cruel society unexpected turn of events』 ferocious but frightful: Be frenzied continuous Heath cliff revenge, apprehensive helpless giving up all hopes.
So-called human nature, so-called truth, good and beauty are borrowing evil ugly in front of appearing like that lowly, like that easy to break to pieces. Like that intense love , sinuous violent regret intertexture, love accommodates oneself to the extreme frenzied, regret accommodates oneself to the extreme demented , regretful to hurt , leave blood with sobbing , remaining endless scab is left ultimately.
But disregarding this world be how force and hold back our pure but fine copy of the first edition human nature, anyway dogleg and confine, how the misleading sum restrains , we essential points is more soberly comparing with others checks self doctrine: "Love needs to being apt such that concealing one's real feelings , Aide are sincere , being apt such that Ling Ran is apt such that being duty-bound and will not turn back firmly, can not love to the anesthesia , love to the life regret , love but to agony. Continue being perplexed among indifferent enmity till destroying others also not destroying yourself , need to make great efforts to shake off the net vanishing into thin air , finish spending every day , conscientious cherishing flat and plain everyone, who loves you and you love.
That distinctive and heavyhearted as well ruthless quality grabs Wuthering-Heights my heart deeply, that the times love tragedy leaves drapery behind, perform but ceaselessly by us, when ability is end? Or, this paradox is to redeem have no way to save forever.
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