



1. “我非常喜歡閱讀小說。” -> "I have a great fondness for reading novels."

2. “他每天早上都會去鍛鍊身體。” -> "Every morning, he exercises."

3. “這個城市有許多美麗的公園。” -> "This city is home to many beautiful parks."

4. “她喜歡在晚上聽音樂放鬆自己。” -> "She enjoys relaxing herself by listening to music at night."

5. “他經常在周末去爬山。” -> "He often goes climbing on weekends."

6. “這本書很有趣,我讀完後感到非常滿足。” -> "This book was very interesting and I felt very satisfied after reading it."

7. “他的家庭充滿了愛和關懷。” -> "His family is filled with love and care."

8. “我很享受和朋友一起出去玩的時光。” -> "I enjoy spending time out with my friends."

9. “我們的團隊每天都在不斷進步和創新。” -> "Our team is making constant progress and innovating every day."

10. “他喜歡在早晨喝一杯咖啡提神。” -> "He enjoys waking up with a cup of coffee to perk him up."