



1. "A friend in need is a friend indeed."(患難見真交)

2. "Friendship is like a plant that requires nurturing and care to thrive."(友誼如植物,需要呵護和照料才能茁壯成長)

3. "A life without a friend is like a book without pages."(人生沒有朋友,就像一本書沒有頁)

4. "Friendship is like money, it's best to have too little rather than too much of it."(友誼就像金錢,少一點更好)

5. "A true friend stays when you are at your worst and remains your best when you are at your best."(真正的朋友在你最糟糕的時候留下,在你最出色的時候保持忠誠)

6. "A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out."(朋友在你最需要的時候出現)

7. "True friendship is like stardust, so rare and beautiful, it's hard to find, but once found, it's forever."(真正的友誼就像星星之塵,如此罕見而美麗,難以找到,但一旦找到,就是永恆的)
