1. 失敗乃成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.
2. 讀萬卷書,行萬里路。Read a thousand volumes, travel ten thousand miles.
3. 江山易改,本性難移。Character is difficult to change, even though the landscape may change.
4. 失之毫釐,謬以千里。A small mistake at the beginning may lead to a big disaster later on.
5. 盛年不再來,一日難再晨。The prime of life does not come again. One day, it is not easy to wake up.
6. 理想是人生的太陽。Ideals are like the sun in life.
7. 紙上得來終覺淺,絕知此事要躬行。The knowledge gained on paper is still shallow; to truly understand the matter, one must put it into practice.
8. 人無遠慮,必有近憂。If a person does not consider the challenges that lie ahead, there will surely be immediate concerns.
9. 讀一切好書,就是和許多高尚的人談話。Reading any good book is like talking with many noble people.
10. 有志者,事竟成。Those who are determined to succeed will surely achieve their goals.