1. "困難像彈簧,你弱它就強。"
"Difficulties are like springs, stronger when you are weaker."
2. "困難只是暫時的,它不會永遠持續下去。"
"Difficulties are temporary, they won't last forever."
3. "只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針。"
"If you persist hard, even a piece of iron will become a needle."
4. "逆境是通往成功的必經之路。"
"Adversity is the path to success."
5. "只有通過克服困難,我們才能真正成長。"
"Only by overcoming difficulties can we truly grow."
6. "挫折是成長的催化劑,每一次挫折都是一次磨礪。"
"Setbacks are the catalyst for growth, each setback is a test of resilience."
7. "無論遇到多大的困難,只要堅持下去,就一定能找到解決的方法。"
"No matter how big the difficulties are, as long as we persist, we will find a solution."