1. 知識就是力量。
Knowledge is power.
2. 幸運並非沒有許多的恐懼與希望,厄運也並非沒有許多的安慰與希望。
Luck is not without many fears and hopes, nor misfortune without comfort and hope.
3. 讀書在於造成完全的人格。
Reading is to create a complete personality.
4. 歷史使人聰明,詩歌使人機智,數學使人精細,哲學使人深邃,道德使人嚴肅。
History makes men wise, poetry poets shrewd, mathematics mathematicians subtle, philosophy men profound, morality serious.
5. 一次大膽的嘗試,勝過千百次苦思冥想。
One bold attempt is worth a thousand pondered speculations.
6. 習慣是一種頑強而巨大的力量,它可以主宰人生。
Habit is a powerful and great force that can dominate life.
7. 金錢是品德的基礎,奢侈是品德的敵人。
Money is the foundation of character, and extravagance is the enemy of character.
8. 人並非為失敗而生存,一個人應儘可能成功。
A person does not exist to fail; a person should strive for success as much as possible.