1. "知識就是力量。"
Knowledge is power.
2. "讀史使人明智,讀詩使人靈秀,演算使人精密,哲理使人深刻,倫理學使人有修養,邏輯修辭使人善辯。"
History makes men wise, poetry beautifies, arithmetic subtler, philosophy profound, ethics noble, and rhetoric persuasive.
3. "一切真正偉大的人物(無論是古人、今人,只要是其英名永銘於人類記憶中的),沒有一個是因愛情而發狂的人。"
"All the great men (whether ancient or modern) are not fanatics of love."
4. "在權衡了各方面以後,我認為jj對於人性確實有很大的影響力。"
After weighing the various factors, I believe that money has a great influence on human nature.
5. "合理安排時間就是節約時間——培根"
"To divide the time is to save time - Francis Bacon"
6. "習慣是人生的主宰——培根"
"Habit is the master of life - Francis Bacon"
7. "深窺自己的心,而後發覺一切的奇蹟在你自己。"
"Deeply look into your own heart, and then you will discover that all miracles are within yourself."
8. "要追求真理,認識真理,更要依賴真理,但這是何等的難啊!"
"To pursue truth, to know truth, and even more to rely on truth, but this is so difficult!"