



1. 心靈是一方廣袤的天空,它包容著世間的萬物。

The soul is a vast sky that embraces all things in the world.

2. 心靈是一片深邃的海洋,它承載著無盡的希望與夢想。

The soul is a deep ocean that carries endless hopes and dreams.

3. 心靈是一座永恆的燈塔,它指引著我們前進的方向。

The soul is an eternal lighthouse that guides us in the direction of progress.

4. 心靈是溫暖的陽光,它照亮我們的世界,讓我們感到無限美好。

The soul is warm sunlight that illuminates our world and makes us feel infinite goodness.

5. 心靈是美好的源泉,它孕育著愛與善良。

The soul is the source of beauty, nurturing love and kindness.

6. 心靈是我們的內在世界,它決定了我們的成長與幸福。

The soul is our inner world that determines our growth and happiness.

7. 心靈是我們與生俱來的寶貴財富,它值得我們珍惜和呵護。

The soul is a precious asset that we are born with, worth cherishing and nurturing.