1. "Love is like a butterfly, it flies when it wishes and it sings because it flies." (Francis Thompson)
2. "Love is like a little song dropped in the well of life, without it one would have to climb out of the universe to sing." (Sybil Coney)
3. "Love is like a symphony, more beautiful when heard through someone else's speakers." (Unknown)
4. "The greatest love of all is to love others better because you yourself have been loved well." (Dalai Lama)
5. "True love never grows old, but grows better." (Friedrich Nietzsche)
6. "Without love, the world would be like a withered leaf floating lifelessly in the void." (Luther Standing Bear)
7. "You may take anything for granted in your life except what is really necessary: to have loved and be loved in return." (Leonardo da Vinci)
8. "Love is like a diamond: it has to be cut and polished to truly sparkle." (Unknown)
9. "Love is like a beautiful flower, it blooms only when it is nurtured and cared for." (Maya Angelou)
10. "Love is like a song that never ends, it just grows sweeter with time." (Unknown)