* 感謝老師的精彩教誨,點亮我們的智慧之光。 Thank you, teacher, for the enlightening teachings that have lit up our path of wisdom. * 您的教誨讓我們終生受益。感謝您的智慧之源。 Your teachings have been a boon to us all, thank you for your source of wisdom. * 您的教誨如沐春風,將永遠銘刻在心。 Thank you for your invaluable guidance.
* 感謝您照亮我們的人生道路,給予我們無盡的關愛和支持。 Thank you for guiding us along the path of life, showering us with endless love, care, and support.
* 您的言傳身教,使我們受益匪淺。感謝您的辛勤付出和無私奉獻。 Your teachings have imparted great benefits to us. Thank you for your hard work and selfless dedication.