「你真偉大」(How Great Thou Art)是一首著名的英文歌曲,由Carl Gustav Boberg創作,後被多位藝術家翻唱,包括Alan Jackson、Elvis Presley、Richard & Adam等。其歌詞如下:
Oh Lord my God,主啊,我的神
When I in awesome wonder,當我感到無比驚奇的時候
Consider all the works,你手所造的一切奇事
Thy hands have made,你手所創造的一切奇妙大工
I see the stars,我看見星辰
I hear the rolling thunder,我聽到隆隆的雷聲
Thy power throughout the universe displayed,你的大能在宇宙中展現
Then sings my soul,我的靈魂在歌唱
My Savior, God, to Thee,讚美你,我的救主神
How great Thou art,你真偉大
When Christ shall come,當基督來臨的時候
With shout of acclamation,歡呼聲此起彼伏
And take me home,你接我回家
What joy shall fill my heart,我心中充滿了喜悅
Then I shall bow in humble adoration,我會謙卑地跪拜敬拜
And there proclaim,並要宣告
My God, How great Thou art,我的神,你真偉大
How great Thou art,你真偉大