


網上英文故事劇本可以有很多,這裡我為您提供一個關於兩個朋友之間友誼和成長的故事。故事標題是 "Friends in Times of Change"。

Scene 1:


Jack: (憂心忡忡) Lucy, I don't know what to do. I feel lost without my job.

Lucy: (安慰他) Don't worry, Jack. It's okay to feel scared. But we'll figure it out together.

Scene 2:


Jack: (失落) I applied for so many jobs, but I haven't heard anything yet.

Lucy: (鼓勵他) You'll get there, Jack. Just keep trying.

Scene 3:


Jack: (興奮) I got the job! I'm so happy to have a new start.

Lucy: (為他高興) You deserve it, Jack. You worked hard for it.

Scene 4:


Jack: (感慨) I wouldn't be here today without you, Lucy. Thank you for always being there for me.

Lucy: (笑著擁抱他) You're welcome, Jack. Our friendship means everything to me.
