In the town of Hsin-chu, a man named Lin worked at a local restaurant. He had a quiet and unobtrusive personality, but everyone who knew him respected him because of his sense of responsibility.
One day, the restaurant's owner went on vacation and left Lin in charge of the business. During his absence, Lin was responsible for managing the daily operations of the restaurant, including hiring and firing staff, managing the kitchen, and handling customer complaints.
Despite the pressure and workload, Lin never complained or complained to others. He took pride in his work and treated it as his own responsibility. During the owner's absence, Lin's hard work and dedication earned the respect and admiration of everyone who knew him.
The day the owner returned, he was overwhelmed by the restaurant's orderly operation and cleanliness. He was very surprised and grateful to see that Lin had done such a great job during his absence. He praised Lin for his dedication and hard work, and decided to give him a promotion and a raise in salary.
Lin's story teaches us that having a sense of responsibility is not only about doing our job well, but also about taking ownership of our actions and making a positive impact on others. When we take responsibility for our actions, we not only earn the respect of others, but we also develop our own character and self-esteem.