1. "勇者之路並非坦途,你需要以堅韌的決心來跨越難關。" (These are not easy times for a warrior, you must use your determined will to surmount the difficulties.)
2. "我是迦爾納,身為友軍,我將全力以赴為你提供幫助。" (I am Ghalner, as an ally, I will do my best to assist you.)
3. "你有勇氣去面對挑戰,我為你感到驕傲。" (You have the courage to face the challenge, I am proud of you.)
4. "死亡的聲音無法威脅到我,因為我有我的信念。" (The sound of death cannot threaten me because I have my beliefs.)
5. "如果你真的能夠通過這一切,我會為你感到驕傲。" (If you can really get through all this, I will be proud of you.)
6. "當你面對困難時,請不要忘記,你的勇氣將是你最強大的武器。" (When you face difficulties, please don't forget that your courage will be your strongest weapon.)