The story of Ali Baba is a classic example of a magical tale that has been passed down through the ages. In this story, Ali Baba is a poor but honest farmer who discovers a magical treasure cave filled with riches. However, he soon faces the dangers of betrayal and greed, as his brother and others try to steal the wealth for themselves.
阿里巴巴的英文名稱是Ali Baba,其故事可以被描述為一項經典的傳統傳說,被世世代代傳誦下來。在這個故事中,阿里巴巴是一個貧窮但誠實的農民,他發現了一個充滿財富的神秘寶藏洞穴。然而,他很快面臨背叛和貪婪的危險,因為他的兄弟和其他人試圖偷走財富自己。