

in contrast造句

"In contrast" 是一個常用的表達方式,用於引出與前面提到的情況或觀點相反的信息。以下是一些使用 "In contrast" 的例句:

In contrast to their pessimism, I myself was feeling a remarkable euphoria. 與他們的悲觀情緒相反,我卻感到異常欣快。

In contrast, life is tough for millions of unemployed workers in cities and peasants in remote areas. 相反,數百萬城市下崗工人和偏僻地區農民卻生活困難。

In contrast, such viewing had no effect on the risk of high blood pressure. 相反,看電視對患高血壓的風險沒有影響。

In contrast, long-term memory is the storehouse of knowledge, the mind's database. 相反的,長期記憶是知識的倉庫,大腦的資料庫。

In contrast, the Universal Server architecture lets IS "have it your way." 與之相反,萬能伺服器的體系結構讓IS「按自己方式擁有它」。

In contrast, a dynamic media app has the opposite cache usage behavior. 與之比較,動態媒體程式使用快取就有相反的行為。

In contrast with east iron, steel is malleable and can be forged and rotted. 與鑄鐵相反,鋼具有延展性,可以鍛造和軋制。

Hong Kong, in contrast, has not long emerged from a period of prolonged deflation. 相比之下,香港不久前才從長期的通貨緊縮中恢復。

以上例句展示了 "In contrast" 如何用於引出與前述情況相反的信息,幫助讀者理解不同情況之間的對比關係。