

james madison名言

James Madison的名言如下:

* "Of all the enemies to public liberty, none is so formidable, as an army well disciplined and experienced in the art of subduing popular governments, by means of what is called force of arms."(“所有對公共自由的敵人中,沒有哪一個像一支紀律嚴明、經驗豐富的軍隊那樣令人生畏,他們用所謂的武力來制服民選政府的手段。”)

* "Liberty of the press is universal; every man has one."(出版自由是普遍的,每個人都能享有)

* "Those who tell you that you must give up a little liberty to protect it, show you that they do not really possess any concept of it."(那些告訴你為了保護自由,你必須犧牲一些自由的人,說明他們根本就不懂什麼是自由。)

以上信息僅供參考,如需了解更多,建議查閱James Madison的相關著作。