「Do this until we have no blurry spot.」(這樣做,直到我們沒有模糊的斑點)
「Yesterday, I stayed awake until midnight.」(昨天,我熬夜到半夜)
「Our classes will continue until the end of June.」(我們的課程將持續到六月末)
「Let's wait until the rain stops.」(讓我們等到雨停)
「The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds.」(飛機爬升穿出了雲層)
「Stay in concealment until the danger has passed.」(等危險過後再出來)
「He had a shutout until the ninth inning.」(他封鎖對方打擊直到第九局)
「I will adhere to this opinion until contrary facts appear.」(如果沒有相反的事實,我將堅持我的意見)
「I am going to teach until my son can earn money.」(我教書要教到我兒子能夠賺錢)
「I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock.」(直到聽到鬧鐘的鈴聲我才醒來)