



* 做人要低調,做事要高調。 Being modest in personal conduct and grand in performance.

* 做人要誠,做事要實。 Being sincere in personal conduct and practical in performance.

* 做人要講義氣,不能當牆頭草。 Being loyal and upright, not a weathercock.

* 做人不能忘本。 One should not forget where he comes from.

* 做人要講道德,做事要講良心。 One should uphold moral principles and act in accordance with one's conscience.

* 做人要謙虛,不要狂妄自大。 Being humble and not conceited.

* 做人要知足,做事要知不足,做學問要不知足。 Being satisfied with what one has, recognizing one's shortcomings in doing things, and being un satisfied with what one knows as long as one is engaged in learning.