* Life has no meaning without a person's hard work, but it is worthwhile in its own way.(生命沒有意義,只有通過努力工作才能賦予它意義,雖然它本身是沒有價值的。)
* Life is not about what you get out of it, but about what you give in and make a contribution to it.(生命的意義不在於從中獲得了什麼,而在於你對它付出了什麼,做出了什麼貢獻。)
* Life is not about where we end up, but about the journey we take to get there.(生命的意義不在於最終到達哪裡,而在於這一路上我們如何行走。)
* Life is not just about surviving, but about making the most of it and finding happiness in the process.(生命的意義不僅僅是為了生存,而是要充分利用它,並在過程中找到幸福。)