道金斯(Richard Dawkins)是一位著名的生物學家和科普作家,他的許多名言都強調了進化論和科學的重要性。以下是一些道金斯的著名名言:
1. "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children."
2. "The God of the gaps is not the God of the book."
3. "Science is a progressive revelation of the truth of evolution."
4. "We are each free to believe what we want, but it is essential to understand the evidence for themselves, not on the authority of some godless heretic."
5. "We are each other's product, but it is our own minds that make us what we are."
6. "Science is a social activity, and one should always try to learn from others' mistakes, rather than just repeating one's own."
7. "If we knew what it was like to die, we would know what it was like to be alive."