Harry Porter was born with and Voldemort (demon head, killed Harry's parentsare called "mystery man") sign -- to fight a lightning shaped scar. It is a verypowerful spell marks, Harry is her mother lives with love and keep Harry, scar ispain which marks. After his parents died, he was uncle adoption. In my childhood,cousin Dudley always fight with big bully him, then boil for 11 years. In his 11 years old birthday that day, something extraordinary things, changed his destiny.Hagrid (the Hogg Watts Magic School keeper of the keys, the gamekeeper) sent a letter to his magic school admission letter, tell the story of his life. He was very happy to learn, know the world wizard Diagon Alley and a series of things. Healso made two good friends in school, is a clumsy and stupid Ron, another isexcellent in character and learning of Hermione. They work together to protect the stone, tenacious struggle with Voldemort, and ultimately destroyedVoldemort's dream, but also saved the. Gustave Flaubert once said: "the tragic fate of the complaint, the more painful the more; want to escape, the more feel fear, as well to face it, against it, overcome it, so all the pain and bowing knees,made brilliant flowers blooming in the hard work of land." Such is Harry Porter, hefaced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head and face it bravely,conquer it. No straight roads, however, bending, have strong, as streams of block, rough, have a song! Our road is not flat, is the ups and downs, bumpy, but we can not bow to difficulties, to learn from Harry Potter, do an honest, justice,courage to face difficulties, despised people in difficulties! Victory always you can't outrun.
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