This is a book of grievous mood. A beautiful young girl』s life was destroyed gradually and really---not by her energy, but by the people who said love to her. What kind of this love is? What make the love destroy its lover? Tess could be a happy girl though her family was very poor. But 「noble, status, and money」 were strongly in her father』s mind, just because of the discovery that a parson said to him. Without their horse』s carrying load, life became rather difficult. Tess blamed herself completely, and she wondered what she could help her parents. Then Tess obeyed her mother』s idea, to work at the d』Urberville』s home, and met her cousin, Alec d』Urbervilles. This then was the beginning. Tess had to meet the wrong man, and one who was so strongly attracted to her. Yet to the right man, she was only a half-forgotten impression from an evening』s dancing party in a country field. This mistake was to have tragic results. Alec used his clever brain to help Tess』s parents, and this made Tess feel grateful to him. Because of her slackening vigilance, Alec』s intention came true ---Tess would be maiden no more. As the people of her village said, 「It was to be.」 And from now on, Tess』s life was to be completely different. Tess left Alec』s home, returned her village. But all had changed, Tess wouldn』t be happy, people in village wouldn』t see her as before. After her baby』s death, she had to leave her home, went to a far place. Perhaps at that time we should thank Alec, thank baby』s death, or Tess wouldn』t leave her home and met Angel Clare, her right man in the dairy. Tess was a so lovely girl that Angel was soon crazy for her. At last, they conquered many difficulties and got married. But Tess』s experience was still her mortal wound, Angel couldn』t accept the truth and left her. The story came to its turning point again. When Angel realized his mistake and went back to look for Tess, all was too late, the poor girl again dropped into Alec』s trap. With the intertwine of love and hatred, Tess had to end herself with a tragic results. God played with Tess so much. When her right man appeared, God yet didn』t give her happiness. Tess』s parents loved her, but it was just an instinctive love; Alec said love to her, but it was a evil love; Angel said love to her as well, but it was a immature and selfish love. He wanted Tess to forgive him, but he couldn』t forgive Tess. Tess didn』t make any mistakes, but at last, she born all punishments and sufferings. At first, God had let the two persons miss each other. A tragedy was doomed. But perhaps no love, no hatred, no dignity, death was the best way for Tess to extricate herself. We have nothing to do but watching world changing, destroying Tess, then continuing changing. The tragedy recurs every day in fact. I can』t help asking, have we missed our happiness?
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