It is universally acknowledged that the eternal theme of Jane Austen』s novels is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bonnet had no other wish if her five daughters could get married as soon as possible with someone wealthy. At a dancing ball, it is obvious that Mr. Bingley could not help falling in love at the first sight with Miss Jane because of her stunning beauty. Mrs. Benne was so excited that she could not hold her manner and declared publicly she would have a daughter married soon, which frightened Mr. Bingley away. Mr. Collins, a distance nephew of Mr. Bennet, came to ask a marriage to one of his cousins before Mrs. Bennet was able to get clear why Mr. Bingley left suddenly. After receiving the hint from Mrs. Bennet that Jane already had an admirer, Mr. Collins turned to Elizabeth without wasting a minute and to Miss Charlotte Lucas two days later after refused by Elizabeth. It was difficult for Mrs. Bennet to recover herself as a result of the「deadly stupid」 decision made by Elizabeth until she got the news that Lydia finally married Mr. Wickham, though the marriage was built on the basis of ten thousand pounds. Mr. Darcy offered the money and did everything departing from his will just because he loved Elizabeth so much. ()He could not hide his feelings any more and showed his affection to Elizabeth at last, who, because of a series of misunderstandings towards him, rejected him without hesitation. This plot is the climax of the novel as the prejudice of Elizabeth to Mr. Darcy was exposed and removed since then. And the combination of the two young couples, Jane and Bingley, Elizabeth and Darcy came at last.
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