It allows us to see the ancients of the intense emotional attachment, Desolate sorrow the United States, driven by the strong spirit of demonstrating their love in the spirit of the force on the texture. We see Jing Zhonghua, in the water, on hazy, mysterious feeling hazy realm of birds. They kind of mental, physical emotional blur, all with their own stupid Han Yun, feudal in detention so that they have become slaves of love, history, the role of emotion in tragedy. Between people are full of alienation and indifference. ()Turned away, only those left behind is their bleak, tragic, even pathetic, pathetic footprints. In their own time and space in the world and with his brilliant performance but also lose the taste of the emotions. Unfortunately, even if it does have its own mental irrigation; even sad, but they have their own spiritual sustenance; even if poor, they have the sympathy and pity for the others later sigh; even history, but also has a world of endless post- worship and praise.
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